A bee sting to your penis can permanently enlarge your penis!

This unusual method was used by the royals of ancient Egypt to permanently enlarge their manhood.

The Egyptologist who discovered the method from old Egyptian scripts made curious scientists want to know how is that possible. A small study was conducted on 9 volunteers of different ethnicity. Three Asians, Three Africans, and three Europeans.

John Corona the leader of the bee sting to the penis research said he is still shocked by the results. “The Asian guys can’t handle their new mandingle, it’s awesome as soon as the pain is gone you can go back to business”.

John says his volunteers are all happy. “Only one African volunteer is having a hard time because his girl is now scared of his much bigger manhood”.

“The growth size varies person by person but believe me some of the guys doubled up in length and girth”.

The team said they are now working on whether they can extract whatever substance that causes this permanent reaction from bees so it can be sold over the counter.

Source: ihlaya News.

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