Nigerian police officer shoots dead 16-year-old girl in Lagos (Graphic Content)

Heartbreaking: Nigerian police officer shoots dead 16-year-old girl in Lagos (Graphic Content)


The Lagos state police command has reacted after a police officer shot a 16-year-old girl, Tina at the Iyana-Oworo bus stop on Wednesday May 26.
The officer involved has now been arrested.
According to reports, the trigger-happy policeman was trying to arrest a bus driver for violating the curfew rules. In the process, he allegedly shot the bus conductor dead as well as young Tina.
Following the outcry on social media and the trend #JusticeForTina, an investigation was launched.
According to Bala Elkana, spokesperson of the state police command, the erring police officer has been arrested and will be made to face the full weight of the law.
Credits: OworoTV,

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