Nigeria – Divisional Police Officer (DPO) caught fighting a tricycle ‘keke’ driver in public

A Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of a police station in Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria, was recently filmed fighting in public with a tricycle driver after the ‘keke’ driver reportedly hit his car.



According to, a Facebook user named Frankline Tonichukwu Ibe posted a video showing two people fighting with one of them identified as a DPO in Uratta, the Owerri North LGA headquarters.

It was gathered that the tricyclist allegedly hit and damaged the police officer’s car, which then led to an argument that resulted in a fight after the police officer tried to arrest the tricyclist and take him to the police station.

Below are the poster’s exact words:

“Shame to Nigerian police. DPO in Toronto junction Urratta in owerri North yesterday 24th January 2020 fighting and intimidating ordinary keke bus driver after spoiling his vehicle.

“This is the type of police that protected Imo state supreme Court Governor the 388 pulling unit fake result shit.

“This can only happen in Nigeria.

“Nigeria which way?”





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Author: Editor-in-Chief

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