WATCH: Catholic Priest In Britain Caught On Camera Snorting Cocaine!! (Throwback video)

Location: Northern Ireland, Britain.

Catholic Priest Caught On Camera Snorting Cocaine In a Room Full of Nazi Memorabilia



Videoed in a room filled with Nazi memorabilia, this is the moment a Roman Catholic priest snorted a line of cocaine at a party in his house on church grounds.Father Stephen Crossan, 37, is said to have sniffed the class A drug through a £10 note at the end of a night of drinking beers and whiskey.

In the footage he is heard saying ‘I shouldn’t’ before snorting the white powder off a plate while talking to a friend.

The video, obtained by The Sun on Sunday, is said to have been recorded at the end of two days of partying when Father Crossan invited friends to his parish home.

He has admitted taking drugs, telling the newspaper’s Ruth Warrander: ‘It was just the one night and that was it. I do not have an issue with drugs.’

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