Video: Osinbajo posts “embarrassing” tweet about a Nigerian farm

Nigeria’s Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo is reported to have posted yesterday, what many say is an “embarrassing” tweet about a farm established by Reston Tedheke, a former militant from the Niger Delta, which he visited in Northern Nigeria. Osinbajo tweeted that a farm that was worth N1.5 million in 2017 is now worth N1 billion. Osinbajo stated that Reston Tedheke who started with 3 hectares is now operating on 3000 hectares.


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However, while some Nigerians believe that Osinbajo’s tweet is true, many Nigerians have reacted negatively to Vice President Osinbajo’s tweet/post. Some even believe that some people in government are hiding stolen funds on Reston Tedheke’s farm.

See some reactions from some Twitter users below.

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Author: Editor-in-Chief

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