Four Teens Beat Mother And Baby, And Kick Her Baby! (Graphic Content)

Shocking: Four Teens Attack Mother And Toddler, And Kick Her Toddler! Police now looking for person that kicked her baby



Disturbing video has emerged showing four teens brutally beat a ‘pregnant’ woman and kick her young daughter in the head.

The brutal beat down took place on July 14 in Brooklyn, Illinois, USA.

Footage of the confrontation emerged on Twitter and shows three female teens attacking a black woman wearing a black and white hoodie as she stood outside a home with her toddler daughter.

The three girls are seen punching her body, pushing her onto the ground and  viciously pulling her hair.

A male jumps into the fight and when he lands he kicks a toddler in the head, sending her spiraling towards the ground.

The child is heard in the clip wailing as her mother is crumpled helplessly on the ground being punched.

When the victim finally gets off the ground and tries to walk towards the home, the male attacker kicks her in the back, sending her flying forward to hit her head on the side of a doorframe.

The video footage of the brawl has gone viral with over 227,000 views.

The attackers involved in the incident appear to be youths. They have not been identified.

The female victim was reportedly pregnant at the time of the attack, but this has not been confirmed.

Text Credit: Daily Mail.

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