Ghana – 65-year-old Dad & alleged daughter sex leak

Part 2 Video

Watch second video:


Part 1 video

Watch first video: has intercepted the part 2 of the leaked atopa tape of the 60+ man and a lady believed to be in her early 20s who was said to be his daughter.

If all could recall, in the previous video, the duo were both in a room with the young girl resisting the man from taking a video with his phone as she believed there was no essence of shooting her since she was right beside him.

Well, another video has hit the internet from these same characters but from a different angle.

From the second video, a lot of words were exchanged between the old man and the young lady (Both still not wearing anything) which helps people to understand what happened.

It appears the young girl offended the old man in a way and she went there to apologize for her wrongdoing which the man opted to take the footage to appease himself.

While the old man was taking the video, the girl placed a curse on him and his entire family if he ever leaks the videos or sends it to a third party.

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Author: Editor-in-Chief

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